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Apuseni Natural Park (Western Carpathians)

Apuseni Natural Park and the Western Carpathian Mountains can be seen in the following hiking tours:

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Apuseni Natural Park is located in the western part of Romania and can be accessed from multiple entry points. Neighbouring cities: Oradea, Cluj-Napoca, Deva and Arad.

The Apuseni mountains in are of great geological complexity and that is why the the landscape and wildlife is so varied. Hiking is possible on more than 35 marked tourist paths of different length and difficulty level. Most of them are light tracks suited for children as well, but there are also some longer trails through some wild and pristine locations, which require as much as 10 hours of trekking or even longer.

Hiking in Apuseni Mountains and the Western Carpathians is nothing short of remarkable: besides the beautiful natural landscapes, there are many natural wonders and sights you can see on tours such as Bride Veil's Waterfall, Scarita Belioara natural reserve, Rusty Ravine (Groapa Ruginoasa) and many smaller ones along the way!

Most of these sights can be seen on our hiking tours especially if you're looking for things to do in Cluj.

With more than 1800 known caves, these mountains are a preferred destination for speleologists and caving enthusiasts. Some of the most popular caves are Bear's Cave (Pestera Ursilor), Vartop Cave, Scarisoara Ice Cave hosting the largest underground glacier in Europe, Meziad and many others.

Horseback riding is also a well kept tradition among the locals of Apuseni mountains. You are guaranteed to enjoy some nice long walks through forest and mountains, across rivers and by lakesides.

For the adventurous, Apuseni Natural Park offers a wide range of extreme activities. You can try out canyoning on four of the most remote canyons in the country: Galbenei, Oselu, Valea Seaca and Cheia Rea. White water rafting and kayaking are also activities you can try out on 3 rapid and unpredictable rivers: Crisul Pietros, Aries and Garda Seaca. For those who want a little taste of rock climbing, Poiana Ponor is great place to do this.

There is no shortage when it comes to places to stay or camp. Plenty of free camping spots, courtesy of our generous nature, and lots of small guesthouses offering good beds and great food. If you don't mind the cold, wintertime in the Apuseni Mountains is a magical time. Celebrations, splendid traditional food and smooth spirits to keep you warm.

For sport you can hit the slopes in a couple of ski resorts: Arieseni and Stana de Vale. At the same time, all summer trails are available for ski touring.

Finally, in the Apuseni mountains there are also plenty of outdoor events going on: music festivals, traditional, sports or just for having a good time. Check out our guides on hiking in Transylvania or the best Romania national parks to find out more info on how to plan your trip!

Bonus Romanian Friend Tip: We highly recommend to also check the nearby wonderful Maramures wooden churches .

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