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Peles Castle Tours

Peles Castle Tours

Peles Castle in Sinaia, Prahova county, is undoubtedly the most beautiful fairytale-like castle you will see in Romania. Built as a summer residence for the Romanian royal family (yes, Romania was a monarchy once!) at the end of 19th century, the castle is a architectural, engineering and decorative jewel - a 'must-see' sight in Romania!
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Peles Castle

Peles castle or palace, a place deemed “instantly spectacular” by at least one of its many foreign visitors, was build between 1873 and 1914 at the initiative of Romania’s first king, Carol I and served as summer residence of Romanian kings.

It is considered one of the most impressive castles of Europe, a true masterpiece built in Neo-Renaissance art and exposing exquisite examples of European fine art, each of the 160 rooms of the castle being decorated in a different style. It is one of the most important historical sights of Romania, a unique place duet o its historical and artistic value. After being nationalized during communist rule, the castle is now the property of the Romanian Royal Family and serves as art and history museum.

Inside, tourists can expect to get a glimpse of the distinguished lifestyle of the royals, from secret passages (if you opt for a longer guided tour), impressive paintings and sculptures, heavy armours in the Armour Room, luxurious silk embroideries and fine carpets, heavily decorated mirrors, Murano glass, wooden carved furniture and gold and silver elements around every corner. The castle also houses a small theatre, incorporating a scene, 60 guest seats and a royal lounge.

The castle had very modern facilities for that era - for example, the glass roof visible in the honorary entrance hall is mobile and could be moved using an electric engine. The castle also had central heating since 1883 and, duet o its own electrical plant, Peles castle was the first castle in Europe to have electricity.

Visitors should mind the opening hours, as the castle is closed generally on Mondays and during the whole month of November for maintenance works. However, Pelisor, the smaller castle nearby is open for visits during this period.

Romanian Friend tip: Don’t miss the local vendors sell traditional local crafts on your way to the castle!